Monday, 21 May 2007

Location, Location, Location

The weekend was amazingly cold but on Sunday,
I managed to drag myself outside and take some pictures,
before I got down to the business of cleaning parts.

Outside and interior of the garage.

View from the garden, I thought it looked nice with the clouds on top of the mountain.

While cleaning parts I was dismayed to find
that the part that the caliper floats on is of different size to the other one,
I guess the smaller one is for disks of 240.
I'll have to go back today and swap it out for another one,
pity I spent an hour cleaning it.

The offending part


Unknown said...

Shame, that poor offending part, it looks quite depressed... and now it will be SWAPPED OUT(?!) Remove that dreadful American speak..!!

Unknown said...

Bodge, I love your blog :) I think it is great. You are going to have such a fun time building the car, and I am going to enjoy watching and reading about it. :) Yay for blogs.

Unknown said...

Hey bud - What's happening on the build? I'm also starting one soon and would like to get in touch with you.
You haven't been on the forum either.
Email me on - in Somerset West.